You may install the PayPal IPN WordPress plugin by manually downloading and uploading the plugin files. If you do not already have a copy of the plugin you may submit an order here.
Manual Installation
- Download the plugin from your order email receipt or account history.
- Navigate to the Plugins page in your WordPress admin panel.
- Click the Add New button at the top of the page.
- Click the Upload Plugin button at the top of the page.
- Click Choose File, and then browse to the zip file for the plugin that you downloaded in step 1.
- Click the Install Now button.
- Click to activate the plugin once it has been installed.
Be sure to install the Angell EYE Updater plugin to receive future notices and automated updates.
To setup your WordPress PayPal IPN listener you will need to copy your IPN URL from the plugin’s general settings tab into your PayPal account profile’s IPN settings panel.
Plugin Settings
PayPal Settings
- Login to your PayPal account.
- Click the Profile link on the My Account tab.
- Click Instant Payment Notification Preferences in the Selling Preferences section.
- Click Choose IPN Settings.
- Enter your IPN URL that you copied from the plugin settings.
- Click Receieve IPN messages (Enabled) to activate your IPN listener.
- Click Save to save your changes.
For more details about configuring IPN in a PayPal account, see PayPal’s IPN setup guide.
Now What?
- Generate branded email notifications for employees and/or customers.
- Post messages on social networks.
- Remove an item from eBay that has sold on your website (or vice-verse).
The possibilities are endless!
Need to Run Multiple IPN URLs?
Looking for Live Help?
Schedule a live meeting with Drew Angell, PayPal Certified Developer, and get all of your questions or concerns answered.
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PayPal IPN for WordPress
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Hi Andrew
I’ve installed this plugin and gone through the setup process but when I log in to our Paypal account/Profile there is no real options to do any of the settings described in fact there seems to be a completely different iterface with no tabbed pages available. There appears to be an ‘IPN Simulator’ available under the Sandbox link but nothing for the live site. Have Paypay updated the interface to prevent this process? there are several ‘Rate the Dashboard’ (or similar) links.
It sounds like you’re looking in your account instead of your actual account. The IPN setup is within
I followed the instructions to setup everything but I tried to make orders and they still don’t get automatic validation. What should I do ?
I need you to elaborate please. Are you working with WooCommerce? What exactly is it that you’re trying to do? Are you just trying to update the order status? Did you double check that IPN is configured for our plugin in your PayPal account? Have you checked the IPN History in PayPal to ensure it’s sending IPNs as expected? Are you seeing any data show up in the IPN section of your WordPress admin panel? Details please.
Hi I installed the plugin in my site and it’s working fine. Now I want to call the function so that I can get the email add and other information from the plugin. How do I do that. Please help!
Are you familiar with using WordPress hooks? Our plugin provides a bunch of hooks so you can trigger your own functions based on different transaction types or payment status.
Hi Andrew, Thank you for the reply!
Yes I called the hooks in my function.php file and tested it by calling $_SESSION[“test”] = “This is for testing.”; It is working fine. My goal is to get the $IPN_status if it is verified then let the user to see the output:
if($IPN_status == “Verified”){
echo “Success”;
} else {
echo “Try again”;
This is my code but the $IPN status or other variables like email and everything prints as empty. It always echo “Try again”. Could you please tell me how can I get this done.
$payer_email = $posted[‘payer_email’];
$IPN_status = $posted[‘IPN_status’];
$data = array(
‘txn_id’ => $txn_id,
‘txn_status’ => $payment_status,
‘payer_email’=> $payer_email,
‘IPN_status’ => $IPN_status,
$_SESSION[“test”] = “ok This is for testing”;
if($data[IPN_status] == “Verified”){
$image1 = $_SESSION[‘headerimage’];
$image2 = $_SESSION[‘lossimage’];
} else {
echo “Nothing like that has been posted.”;
/***Calling the function in the result page as below***/
echo process_completed_payment_ipn($posted);
The detailed code how I am doing this.
I am calling the function like this in my final result page which will be displayed after doing the payment through paypal: echo process_completed_payment_ipn($posted);
$ipnstatus = $_SESSION[“test123”];
echo “.$ipnstatus”;
Is there a way we can download ipn data from WordPress dashboard?
Right now, no, but if you want to elaborate on what you’re wanting we could see about it adding it to our next update.
I want to do two things.
1. Send an email with a pdf attachment once payment is successful
2. Take them to a secure page with an option to download same pdf file
Is there an easy way to do this? I have the auto return option right now, but I feel like it’s too easy to use the url and get the pdf for free.
I am by no means a programmer. I’ve seen the wordpress hooks, but I have no idea where or how to use them.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Sending the email would make sense, but not sending them to any page. IPN does not happen within the browser. It happens completely separate from the browser experience the buyer is having. So again, you could generate an email and have it sent as an HTML email or with an attached PDF (or both) but that’s something you’ll need to do within your hook functions. If you need help with this we could build it or you, but that would require you to contact us directly for a custom project bid.
I been setting up the plug in and trying to send a response mail once the payment has been completed.
So far testing, I m able to have the hook send a mail to a fix mail, but when I try to put the client mail it fails, not sure if I m doing something wrong or missing some step
thanks for your time
For the client email you would use
. Did you try that?Hi, I have installed PayPal IPN on my website, successful payments are now listed on “PayPal IPN” table, but it doesn’t update the corresponding WooCommerce order status (still in pending payment). Do I need to implement an extension or something to update the order status?
Hi James,
You’ll need to add a function hook to your theme or a plugin file to update the status of WC orders for you. Here is a guide we put together for getting that done.
With IPN I need to activate the “Automatic Return” (to /order-received/) on Paypal? Or with IPN active that is not necessary?
Auto-Return is for PDT, not IPN. So you don’t need to worry about that!
Hi – this plugin is really useful, thanks. I’m using it to handle IPN transactions for PayPal subscriptions.
One thing I’ve noticed, however, is a potential issue with the audit list of IPN messages shown in the admin view. When a subscription is started, you get an IPN “subscr_signup” message with a TX ID of (say) I-T1GZ144TL9E5. OK so far, that one is listed in the admin view.
Trouble is that when the subscription is cancelled, that exact same TX ID is sent again by PayPal, this time with a “subscr_cancel” type. It looks like your plugin just overwrites the original signup message with the cancel message.
I can see why it would do that, of course, but it reduces the usability of the backend list as I can no longer see the full history.
Any chance that new transactions could just be inserted rather than used to update existing transactions?
Or could I do something in the code myself to achieve that?
I’m sorry for the delay getting back to you. This would be best submitted to our support forum so that our help desk can assign this to a developer for better info. Please submit a ticket here with your question. Thanks!
when i do the above setting then payment are not complited.payment is cancelled so what i do?
I’m not sure I understand what you’re referring to..?? Are you talking about updating WooCommerce orders?
I have an editor with an additional role of author. All users with only the editor role can see the IPN button in the WP menu. Users with an additional role can not see the button and do not have access to the functions. It seems like the plugin is disabled for them. What can I do? Thanks
Have you looked at a plugin like this one? That should allow you to give access to the IPN data to any role you want.
Hi, I installed the plugin and I pasted the url from IPN options to my paypal account. Now, if I click PayPal IPN, in my WP admin area, I can see “No PayPal IPN found”, so I click above “Add Paypal IPN” and a page titled “Add New PayPal IPN” is displayed, but there are no options, Paypal IPN Fields is empty, Paypal IPN Row Data is empty too, i can only see the function code below to extend ipn. Where am I wrong?
It sounds like you haven’t received any IPN data since you updated the URL in your PayPal account. Did you try to use the IPN Simulator or have you gotten any actual payments to your live account since you updated it with our IPN URL?
I did try the IPN Simulator, and got a positive result. I also submitted a donation and the payment went through, but the payment status still shows pending.
If you got a successful result with the simulator then you should see that simulation test in the PayPal IPN section of your WP admin panel (provided by our plugin.) Are you seeing that there?
If so, then with our Forwarder enabled that data would be forwarded out to any additional URL(s) you provided. It would be up to those listeners to update your data however they typically would.
I have installed IPN Forwarding, set the URL provided in Paypal IPN plugin in my paypal account settings. I am using the “Give – Donation Plugin”. I did a $1 donation – it shows in my paypal IPN History page with a status of “retrying”. The IPN History in the plugin is blank. The Give plugin shows the payment as “Pending”. I have a forward rule set up for the donations. What am I doing wrong?
Also, I am using the booking feature of the M.E.C. plugin that also needs a forward rule set up, but I don’t know how to determine what the IPN URL should be. How do I find this out?
When it says Retrying in PayPal IPN History that means the POST to the listener URL failed. Is it showing up in the WP admin panel under PayPal IPN? If so, what status does it show there?
No, it doesn’t show up at all under PayPal IPN.
What is smart forwarding? Do I need it?
Smart forwarding allows you to forward to specific URLs based on the data included in the IPN instead of forwarding all data to all URLs you have configured. It is not required, but simply an option available for you if you need it.
OK, I have a new problem. The information seems to have been accepted by Simple Member, but they are not receiving the aweber subscription. If I’m reading it correctly, it says that the notifications were sent to both Simple Member and aweber.
Great plugin you have here and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I came across it. I have one question though, can the hook i supply in functions.php execute JavaScript functions because we are sending mails by posting to a php script. Thank you
IPN is not something that runs in the browser, so no, unfortunately JavaScript will not run there. You’ll need to put the PHP you want to run directly inside your listener.
In PayPal IPN in WordPress shows no transactions ( No PayPal IPN found )
The IPN code in settings was correctly copied ad pasted into sandbox PayPal merchant account in IPN settings but nothing appears in WordPress.
I tried another ipn-listener and it correctly pulls in PayPal data.
Is it currently broken with my WordPress version as it says when i install it this–>
Hi Robbie,
I’ve updated the plugin to show it’s tested up to 5.0.3. That would not be causing your issue.
You need to double check what address the IPN was actually sent to based on the method you used to trigger the payment. If the “notify URL” parameter is included in the payment request, that would override any value set in your PayPal account profile. It sounds like that could be what’s happening.
Please check the IPN History in your PayPal, and click into the details to verify exactly what URL the IPN you expected to receive was sent to.