In this tutorial, we will take a look at how to integrate the WooCommerce Shipment Tracking plugin with the PayPal Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce plugin.

Before You Begin

Please make sure you have installed and configured WooCommerce Shipment Tracking, and then proceed with the steps below to integrate WooCommerce Shipment Tracking with the PayPal Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce plugin.

1. Enable Field Mapping for WooCommerce Shipment Tracking

  • Go to PayPal Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce settings page.
Go to PFWST Settings Page
  • Go to Field Mapping Section
Go to Field Mapping Section
  • Select WooCommerce Shipment Tracking option and save changes.
Select Wst and Click Save

2. Enter Shipment Tracking Details with WooCommerce Shipment Tracking

  • Go to WooCommerce Order details page.
Go to Order detail page
  • Add Shipment Tracking Number and Save Tracking Details.
Add Shipment Tracking Number
Add Shipment Tracking Number_1

3. Send WooCommerce Shipment Tracking data to PayPal.

  • PayPal Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce can either be configured to send tracking data to PayPal periodically on a scheduled basis, or you can also send the tracking data from the Order detail page manually.

3.1 Send Tracking Data to PayPal Automatically

  • Go to “WooCommerce > Settings > PayPal Shipment Tracking” page.
  • Go to the “Advanced” tab.
  • EnableĀ  “
Auto PayPal Send data

3.2 Send Tracking Data to PayPal Manually

  • Go to the Order detail page
  • Click on “Send Tracking to PayPal”
Manually Send Tracking Data to Pay Pa

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