
PayPal IPN for WordPress

(41 customer reviews)

Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $49.99.

A PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) toolkit that helps you automate tasks in real-time when transactions hit your PayPal account.

  • All PayPal IPN data is saved and available in your WordPress admin panel.
  • Developer hooks are provided for triggering events based on the transaction type or payment status of the IPN.
  • Extend the plugin with your own plugins or theme functions, or check out our premium extensions for easy automation of various tasks.

Product Description

PayPal IPN for WordPress

PayPal’s Instant Payment Notification (IPN) service is one of the most powerful tools provided by PayPal to help manage transactions.  Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most underutilized.

What is IPN exactly?

Each time a transaction occurs on your PayPal account the PayPal server will automatically send (via HTTP POST) all of the data about that transaction to a “listener” script that you have configured on your web server.  Of course, PayPal IPN for WordPress handles that for you, so you can get up and running very quickly without any development involved.

The IPN will be sent within just a few seconds of a transaction taking place, and within your IPN solution you can work with this data to automatically handle post-transaction procedures in real-time.

Ok, so what can I do with that?

IPNs are triggered for all types of transactions, not just payments.  As such, you can automate all sorts of procedures based on payments, refunds, disputes, subscriptions and recurring payments profiles, masspay transactions, and more.  For example, when any of things things occurs, you may want to automatically…

  • Update your database (MySQL, FileMaker, Access, SQL Server, etc.)
    • Mark orders paid.
    • Create new membership records based on subscriptions / recurring payments profiles.
    • Cancel membership when subscription expires or payments fail.
  • Generate custom, branded email notifications.
    • Order receipts.
    • Refund receipts.
    • e-Check notifications (ie. pending payment received, payment cleared)
    • Subscription payment receipts.
  • Make calls to 3rd party APIs.
    • Post a message on Facebook and/or Twitter when an order is made.
    • Add new orders / payments into QuickBooks via the web connector API.
    • Remove products from eBay and/or your website when it sells through another source.

These are just a few ideas of some of the things you can accomplish using PayPal IPN.  If you’re using WordPress, our plugin will allow you to get IPN configured quickly and easily.  From there, you can extend the plugin with your own plugins or in your theme functions file using hooks that we have provided based on IPN types and payment statuses.

41 reviews for PayPal IPN for WordPress

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  1. ramked

    I strongly recommend against buying any piece of software from Andrew.

    My story is fairly simple : I bought one of his WordPress plugins, after trying to integrate it with my platform, I decided it is not suitable for my usecase and asked for a refund.

    For almost a month Andrew tried to convince me to use it anyway .. then finally he agreed to give me a refund, then he changed his mind, and then he simply stopped communicating with me.

    Edit : as you about to learn from his own reply, Andrew’s refund policy is pretty much : “the customer cannot be trusted until proven otherwise”

    So again, if you care about your money, do your business somewhere else.

    (1) (1)
    • Andrew Angell (store manager)

      You requested a refund, and I agreed, but I simply asked you for some feedback about why the plugin was not working for you so we could try to solve the problem first. You proceed to file a dispute with PayPal, which delayed the entire process. This caused it to go into PayPal review, and this takes a while. You DID get your refund, though, and it would have been a lot faster had you not filed the dispute. I’m sorry your experience was not as expected, but I feel we did what we could to make it right.

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