Installing the PayPal Virtual Terminal PHP solution on your web server is very simple.  The following steps will get it done quickly and easily.

Step 1 – Download the Solution Files

There are two methods you can use to download the PayPal Virtual Terminal PHP files.

  • GitHub Clone
  • Download ZIP / Extract.

Both of these options are available on our GitHub repo page.

PayPal Virtual Terminal PHP GitHub Download

PayPal Virtual Terminal PHP Download

GitHub Clone (Recommended)
git clone


Download ZIP / Extract
  • Download the zipped solution files.
  • Extract the solution files to a directory in your website / application where you would like the PayPal Virtual Terminal to be installed.

Step 2 – Prepare a Config File

  • Open the /includes/config-sample.php file.
  • Save the file as config.php.
    • If you save the config file to a location other than /includes you will need to update the include path in the following files.
      • /bin/process.php
      • /pages/index.php
  • Adjust the settings in the config file to suit your needs.
Timezone Setting
You may set the timezone for your application using any value in the list of supported timezones that PHP provides.
Sandbox / Test Mode
The PayPal Sandbox is a test server for PayPal.  This setting specifies whether or not you will be using the Sandbox.

  • TRUE – The PayPal sandbox will be used.
  • FALSE – The PayPal live servers will be used.

You will need to create a PayPal sandbox seller account in order to run tests against the PayPal sandbox.

Debug Mode
The DebugMode option can be enabled/disabled to display useful information during development / testing.

  • TRUE – API request / response details will be output to the screen when transactions are completed.
  • FALSE – No API details will be displayed.
API Selection
The PayPal Virtual Terminal PHP solution supports PayPal Payments Pro and the REST APIs.  Here you will specify which platform you will be using with the solution.

  • PayPalPro-DDP – This will enable the Website Payments Pro 3.0 platform, which utilizes PayPal’s DoDirectPayment API.
  • PayPalPro-PayFlow – This will enable the Payments Pro 2.0 platform, which utilizes PayPal’s PayFlow API.
  • PayPal-Rest – This will enable the PayPal REST platform, which does not require Payments Pro and utilizes the general PayPal REST API.
API Credentials
There are 3 separate sections for API credentials depending on the platform you are using.  You will only need to populate values for the platform that you are using.

  • PayPalPro-DDP will require a username, password, and signature.
  • PayPal-Pro-PayFlow will require a username, password, vendor, and partner.
  • PayPal-REST will require a client ID and a client secret.

There are placeholders available for both SANDBOX and LIVE credentials, so you will need to make sure you place the correct credentials into the correct placeholders accordingly.


Currency Sign
Here you may set what you like to use for the currency symbol.  The default is US Dollar ($).
Currency Code
Here you may set the currency code you would like to process transactions with.  The following currency does are currently supported:

  • AUD – Australian Dollar
  • CAD – Canadian Dollar
  • CZK – Czech Koruna
  • DKK – Danish Krone
  • EUR – Euro
  • HKD – Hong Kong Dollar
  • HUF – Hungarian Forint
  • JPY – Japanese Yen
  • NOK – Norwegian Krone
  • NZD – New Zealand Dollar
  • PLN – Polish Zloty
  • GBP – Pound Sterling
  • SDG – Singapore Dollar
  • SEK – Swedish Krona
  • CHF – Swiss Franc
  • USD – US Dollar
Show Left Nav Menu
This option allows you to set whether or not you would like to show or hide the left sidebar menu.

  • TRUE – Displays the left sidebar menu.
  • FALSE – Hides the left sidebar menu.
Show Swipe Field
This option allows you to set whether or not you would like to display the SWIPE field on the PayPal Virtual Terminal PHP form.

  • TRUE – Displays the SWIPE field on the form.
  • FALSE – Hides the SWIPE field.
Default Form Setting - Billing Address
This option allows you to set whether or not you would like the billing address on the PayPal Virtual Terminal PHP form to be displayed by default or not.

  • TRUE – Billing address will be displayed by default.
  • FALSE – Billing address will not be displayed by default.
Default Form Setting - Shipping Not Required
This setting allows you to choose whether you would like the “Shipping Not Req.” option to be enabled by default or not.

  • TRUE – Shipping Not Req. will be enabled by default.
  • FALSE – Shipping Not Req. will not be enabled by default.
Default Form Setting - Shipping Same as Billing
This option allows you to set whether you would like the shipping “Same As Billing” option to enabled by default or not.

  • TRUE – Same As Billing will be enabled by default.
  • FALSE – Same As Billing will be disabled by default.
Set Default Tax Rate
This setting allows you to specify any value you would like to use as a default rate for tax purposes.

This will only be used as a default.  The tax rate may still be changed on the PayPal Virtual Terminal form at the time of any transaction.

Enable Transaction Log
If you would like to enable transaction logs you may use these config options to do so:

  • $config[‘LogEnabled’] – TRUE enables logging.  FALSE disables logging.
  • $config[‘LogFilePath’] – Sets the path where you would like the log file to be saved.  This path must be writable by the application.

Step 3 – Upload the Solution Files

Upload the entire solution directory to your web server using the tool of your choice.

Step 4 – Load the PayPal Virtual Terminal PHP Solution

To use the tool, open a web browser and enter the URL to the location you installed it on your server.

For example, if you uploaded the solution to a /paypal-virtual-terminal directory on your server, you would browse to

This will display the PayPal Virtual Terminal form on your screen and you may proceed to process credit cards!

PayPal POS Credit Card Payment Virtual Terminal Form

PayPal POS Credit Card Payment Virtual Terminal Form

Now What?

Now that you’ve installed the PayPal Virtual Terminal PHP solution you may take a look at our User Guide for more details on how to process credit card transactions.