GitHub, Composer, and Packagist. Oh My!

Angell EYE PayPal PHP Library Now Compatible with Composer We’ve been maintaining our PHP class library for PayPal for many years now, however, we’ve lacked the time to really keep up with where PHP has gone since the introduction of namespacing in PHP...

Git Error – src refspec {tagname} matches more than one.

I was very happy today to be updating my PayPal for WooCommerce plugin when I ran into a tagging issue.  I was able to successfully create my local tag… git tag -a v1.0.3 -m “Version 1.0.3 update” I then tried to push this tag to my remote repo and...

PayPal Recurring Payments IPN Samples

PayPal’s Instant Payment Notification (IPN) system is one of the most underutilized features that they provide, in my opinion.  Unfortunately, their documentation is still lacking complete information on what types of IPN’s to expect and what they might...

Doh! Common PayPal Error Handling Mistake

I was recently contacted by somebody through my website complaining that PayPal must have changed something in their system because all sorts of customers are having issues using their application, but nothing has changed…the usual story. This particular...